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Image of a Canstar Restorations truck

Over the past three weeks, the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley have once again experienced multiple weather events that included heavy rainfall and freezing, ultimately leading to flooding and property damage. From homes to businesses and institutions, it would seem that no one is immune to the power of Mother Nature. Unfortunately, schools were no exception and Canstar is honored to have been selected by our educational partners to assist with the cleanup and reconstruction efforts at many of their facilities.

A special thank you to the educational staff members who worked shoulder-to-shoulder with our dedicated teams throughout the holidays and adhered to the specialized safety protocols to get the doors re-opened so our children could get back to learning. Working together to restore a safe and healthy learning environment is something we take a great amount of pride in, and we sincerely thank our educational partners for the opportunity to assist.

Canstar is proud to be assisting over 20+ schools in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley that have been adversely impacted by recent events. Our team’s expert experience ensures that all of these schools are rebuilt as quickly and safely as possible so that our students can return to a safe and habitable learning environment.

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紧急联络号码 604-549-0099 | 免费热线 1-844-993-5663

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