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VANCOUVER, BC, May 1, 2024 — Canstar Restorations LP (“Canstar”) proudly announces its latest strategic advancement with the acquisition of Lydale Property Restoration (“Lydale”), a highly respected player in the fire and flood business in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This acquisition brings together over 40 years of Lydale’s expertise with Canstar’s robust infrastructure and regional network, creating an unmatched one-stop restoration solution throughout Western Canada.

Canstar now encompasses a total of 18 branches across British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. The Canstar Group of Companies includes Canstar Restorations, ABK Restoration, NorHaz Solutions, Universal Restoration, and Lydale Property Restoration, collectively offering a full suite of services, from emergency response to complete restoration.

“Our commitment is to provide comprehensive restoration coverage across Western Canada, meeting the needs of our customers,” said Ji Yoon, President and CEO of Canstar. “Lydale, renowned for its experience and customer service, is the ideal partner for us to enhance our footprint and service offerings. A special welcome to Blaine Jackson, as he joins the Canstar executive team.”

“Joining forces with Canstar marks a significant evolution for Lydale. Together, we are better positioned to meet all restoration needs across the Western Region, moving away from a local fragmented approach towards a regional, client-centric model,” said Blaine Jackson, Founder and Principal of Lydale


The Canstar Group of Companies, consisting of Canstar Restorations, ABK, NorHaz Solutions, Universal Restoration, and Lydale Property Restoration, provides property restoration services across British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Founded in 1985, the group has grown to include 18 offices, over 200 vehicles, and more than 400 professionals. Services span building and contents restoration, including fire, water, and storm damage repair, to hazardous materials removal for both residential and large-scale industrial projects. Trusted by numerous insurance companies, adjusters, stratas, schools, government, healthcare facilities, and more, the Canstar Group is built on enduring dedication, superior service standards, and an unparalleled breadth of expertise and resources, ensuring top-tier customer service for claims of any scale.

Visit the respective websites to learn more about their specific services and regional expertise at,,,, and

For Immediate Release

For more information, please contact:

Ji Yoon
President and CEO
Canstar Restorations
Phone: 604.549.0099

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紧急联络号码 604-549-0099 | 免费热线 1-844-993-5663

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