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Canstar Restorations Restores Damage Due to Leaking Pipes

Since 1985, Canstar Restorations has been providing homeowners with pipe leak detection in Alberta and British Columbia. Our skilled and experienced restoration professionals have the right tools and techniques to properly diagnose any leak within your home and make the necessary repairs to prevent further damage. A fast and adequate response time is critical to ensuring your home is safe for you and your family. We have a fleet of vehicles ready and can respond to your water emergency at a moment’s notice. We’re available 24/7, so you can feel confident you’ll receive the service you need when you need it most. Contact our team today to get started.

What Are the Signs of a Leaking Pipe in My Home?

Leaking pipes may not seem like a big deal. However, even the most minor leak can have significant consequences for your health and the structural integrity of your home. Mould and mildew thrive in damp and dark places making your home’s walls, basement, or ceiling ideal locations to grow once moisture is present. As a homeowner, it’s critical that you can identify the common signs of a leaking pipe in your home. Many of these signs are noticeable even if you can’t visually inspect the leaky line yourself. Some of the most obvious indications that there’s a broken pipe include:

  • Increased Water Bill – Every drop of water that escapes out of the pipe is money wasted. The lost water will be reflected on your water bill every month. When you notice an increased water bill without any explanation, it may be a leaky pipe.
  • Lower Water Pressure – Your home’s water pipes rely on a closed system to ensure adequate water pressure. When a leak occurs, it can cause minor or even significant loss in water pressure.
  • Stains on the Ceiling – Water pipes are installed throughout your home. If you have a second-story bathroom, a leaky pipe may cause a stain to occur on the first-floor ceiling as the water penetrates through the (drywall) sheetrock.
  • Musty Smell – Everyone is familiar with the musty basement smell. That’s normally due to excessive amounts of moisture in the air and damp building materials. If you’re noticing that smell in your bathroom or kitchen, it may indicate you have a leaking pipe or mould.

What Steps Should I Take If I Have a Pipe Leak?

When you’ve identified that you have a pipe leak in your home, it’s crucial that you move quickly. Delaying a pipe leak repair or water remediation can lead to significantly more damage to your home and even higher repair costs. Not to mention any destruction it can cause to your priceless memories such as family photos. Water can also promote mould growth which can lead to severe health issues. Taking the following steps will ensure your family and home is safe:

  • Turn Off the Water – Once you’ve identified a water leak in your home, turn off the water. It’s not enough to just turn off the faucet. Instead, locate the main water line shut off for that pipe to prevent it from continually leaking.
  • Keep the Area Dry – If the leak occurs in an area you can access, do your best to keep the area dry by cleaning it with a mop and towels. Take care to avoid using any electrical appliances near the wet area.
  • Remove Any Valuables – Any valuable electronics and important documents should be cleared from the area. Water is one of the most destructive forces inside the home. Even a small amount of water can cause significant damage.
  • Contact a Professional – Attempting to clean up and dry the area on your own can lead to poor results and mould growth and may never truly fix the root cause of the leak. Instead, contact a professional to identify hidden moisture and the extent of the damage to your home.
Water Is Leaking From The Pipe

Comprehensive Pipe Leak Services

At Canstar Restorations, we utilize the latest technology to identify the extent and location of the pipe leak in and outside of your home. As a leader in innovative and effective drain leak technology, you can always count on us to deliver exceptional service. Our innovative techniques provide you with better results and faster service while reducing the likelihood of more significant damage to your property. The types of pipe leak services we provide include:

  • Acoustic Listening Equipment
  • Video Inspection Equipment

Professional Leak Detection, Repair, and Cleanup

Canstar Restorations is the area’s local leak detection and water damage remediation company servicing British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. As the area’s trusted leader, you can always count on our team to provide fast and comprehensive detection, repair, and cleanup services. A leaky pipe can lead to extensive damage, and ignoring the problem will only make things worse. Our team has the tools, knowledge, and training to identify the source of the leak and make the necessary repairs to prevent further damage. We can also perform water cleanup services to ensure your home is safe. If you have a leaky pipe, contact our team right away to begin cleanup.

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