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Ji Yoon image

Canstar Restorations LP is pleased to announce that Ji Yoon has been appointed as the new President and Chief Executive Officer.  Ji is a transformational leader with over two decades of dynamic leadership and brings broad experience in both the private and public sectors for global companies.  Ji brings the focus and expertise to guide Canstar through its next chapter of growth and will leverage his experience in strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and ERP implementations to ensure excellence at every level of Canstar.

Previously, Ji served as CFO for a fully integrated resource development and forest management company and prior to that he was the CFO and IT lead for On Side Restoration where he led the mergers and acquisitions initiatives in growing their revenues and footprint across Canada.

Ji holds his CPA, CMA, FCMA and C. Dir designations.  He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Alberta , a Business Diploma (Honours) from Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology in Sarnia, Ontario and an MBA from Queen’s University, Ontario.  He is a Chartered Director and a Chartered Professional Accountant as well as a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Ji will assume his new role on January 1, 2023.

Jay Dargatz, Founder, and Board Member of Canstar said: “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Ji Yoon as the new President and CEO, and I look forward to seeing him take the organization forward; he is a proven leader with a wealth of industry experience and possesses excellent strategic and leadership skills.  The Board and I know he is a great fit for Canstar, with the combination of skills and experience to lead the business through its next strategic phase of growth.  We are confident in his ability to continue guiding the organization, to drive innovation, and to shape our passionate and inclusive culture.”

“I am humbled and excited to have been selected as Canstar’s next President and CEO.  It is a privilege to be part of an organization that delivers high quality services and innovative solutions to our clients.  The marketplace in which we operate is changing rapidly, but with Canstar’s rich history of delivering a full spectrum of restoration solutions, coupled with the talent of our team, I am confident in our ability to deliver the solutions that our customers need and want.” said Yoon. “My goal in leading this organization is to build upon the achievements of the last 37 years and continue to create an organization led by an overarching purpose; to make a positive, meaningful impact that matters to everyone Canstar touches. I look forward to helping to enable our leaders and people to fulfill their passion to make a difference.  Together we will deliver clear and defining value to all our stakeholders.”

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