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On November 1st, Tracy Nebar, Contents Manager at Canstar Restorations, attended at the Vancouver BCSPCA to present Canstar’s Q3 donation. Nathan Ramsden, Senior Officer, Corporate Partnerships for the BCSPCA was on hand to accept the donation.

Canstar is the Official Restoration Company of the BCSPCA, a partnership that has run nearly 4 years now. Canstar contributes a portion of every project that they do on behalf of the customers of insurance companies, property managers, and independent brokers. That contribution is matched with an equal donation and has totalled over $40,000 since the beginning of our partnership. The commitment to the SPCA is shared by Canstar’s 230 staff members, and those of its sister company ABK Restoration in the Okanagan. Fund raising goes beyond the partnership, from individual contributions to a portion of the company hockey pool.

The Canstar Restorations family operates from 10 locations in BC and Alberta, providing emergency fire and flood restoration services.

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