Conquer COVID-19 PPE Event

On Saturday, April 25, 2020, Canstar Restorations opened our Surrey branch to host a PPE drive in support of Conquer COVID19; an organization spearheaded by Hayley Wickenheiser and Ryan Reynolds.
A huge thank you to every donor who rolled through. Because of you, we were able to collect 2,500 N95 masks as well as pallets of diapers, wipes, formula, and various other products needed at women’s shelters.
What an honor and pleasure it was working alongside our friends at Platinum Pro-Claim Restoration, Barclay Restorations DKI, and the City of Surrey.
There is nothing like coming together with a greater purpose in mind; helping our front-line workers get the protection they need to keep on fighting the good fight.
( Credit: Barclay, Platinum Pro-Claim & City of Surrey)
紧急联络号码 604-549-0099 | 免费热线 1-844-993-5663

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