Children’s Wish 6th Annual Exile Island

Team Dream Big, which consisted of members from Canstar Restorations, Cunningham Lindsey, and CJB Restoration, participated in the 6th Annual Children’s Wish Exile Island event on November 20th. Each team participating in the event was given a Children’s Wish child to fundraise for and help grant their wish.
Our child, Jaidyn (7), was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells. Jaiden’s wish was to go to Disney World Land & Sea Cruise with her family.
Team Dream Big had a fun day bonding with Jaidyn and her family. We are excited that we have accomplished our fundraising goal and will be sending Jaidyn and her family on their cruise!
紧急联络号码 604-549-0099 | 免费热线 1-844-993-5663

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