Smoke and Soot Are Dangerous
Smoke and soot are dangerous. Even after a small and easily extinguished fire, exposure to smoke and residual soot can be harmful to your health. Please, do not attempt to clean it on your own.
Exposure to soot and smoke may occur via the skin, eyes, inhalation, or ingestion. Airborne soot is invisible and you may not know that you have been exposed until symptoms such as shortness of breath, bronchitis, asthma, stroke, cancer, or heart attack, have already presented. Children that have been exposed may be affected for life.
Our homes, regardless of age are constructed of materials that, when combusted, may create some devastating health hazards.
- Building Materials before 1989 may contain cancer-causing asbestos.
- Carbon materials release carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and tar.
- PVC may release Hydrogen chloride, phosgene dioxin, chloromethane, and bromomethane.
- Hydrocarbons can release formaldehyde, phenols, and carboxylic acids.
- Wood smoke may contain 100 of the same chemicals that are found in cigarettes.
To achieve the best results, a professional must be involved. The team at Canstar Restorations wears the required equipment (for skin, respiratory, and eye safety), has adequate training and experience and we use safe but effective cleaning products to get your home or property back to its pre-loss condition.
We also address any water damage as a result of firefighting efforts. This must also be done by a professional to combat the growth of mold.
Aside from surface cleaning and repair, we also restore indoor air quality using HEPA filtration and absorption. Keeping your windows open will not have the same effect.
We want to stress, yet again, do not to attempt to clean your home after a fire, no matter how small it was. Professional tools, knowledge, and expertise are at the heart of what we do.
For more information about our Fire Restoration Best Practises, please visit:
紧急联络号码 604-549-0099 | 免费热线 1-844-993-5663
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